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860-791-4688 | elizabeth@plumeriacounseling.hush.com
Infidelity Counseling
You have discovered or disclosed that the betrayal and shame of infidelity is now a part of your story. The pain you feel may be crippling and you both might be wondering if your relationship is even repairable. Infidelity counseling can help the both of you go from a place of despair to healing whether the decision is to stay or go.
The reality that you are experiencing one of the deepest betrayals has been discovered in your relationship and the both of you might be wondering where we even go from here? Is it even possible for our relationship to recover from this?
The depths of the pain of betrayal and shame that the infidelity has caused may feel overwhelming and impossible to heal from. The broken trust may feel irreparable and hard to even imagine that the relationship could ever heal. You may feel yourself in crisis as if you are drowning in the devastation of what has happened and what this means for the both of you. You might not know if you will stay or go.
Crisis and Uncertainty
​The aftermath of infidelity can leave both partners in crisis, unsure if healing is possible and uncertain whether to stay or go.​
With open and honest communication, compassion, commitment, a lot of hard work, and if it is what a couple wants, healing in the relationship after the trauma of infidelity is possible, trust in the relationship can be restored, and healthy boundaries to protect the relationship can be established.
Through the compassionate focus and direction that emotionally focused couples therapy provides, it is possible to understand what led to the affair, what negative cycles already existed in the relationship, explore together whether the relationship can be restored, and journey through healing this trauma together if you choose that path.

Infidelity counseling can help you and your partner navigate the unknowns after an affair is discovered and gain clarity in what you want for yourself and the relationship as you both step towards healing. Infidelity counseling can help you grow, get relief from your pain, and heal from the trauma of infidelity whether you both decide to save the relationship or not.
If you find yourself in the aftermath of the discovery of an affair and are looking for next steps, feel free to call, email, fill out the contact form on this website, or request a free 15 minute consultation by clicking the button below. I will get back in touch with you as soon as possible to answer any questions you may have and/or schedule a session with you. You don't have to walk this alone.